Pal Nut (AKA "Palnut") removal tool, custom-designed for servicing late 1960's Magnavox stereo console cabinets. The correct depth and size for disassemby and service of Astro-Sonic Consoles.
FREE SHIPING to any USA address.
The radio electronics cannot be removed from the cabinet without removing these deep internal, inside-out nuts. Conversely, you cannot tighten or install them again without a tool like this. The socket is deep, designed to go over the shaft of the pot and be hand-loosened, or get a little more torque with a set of pliers or vise-grips.
This tool is CAD Engineered plastic. It is not an heirloom tool, and it will wear with constant use or abuse, so it is priced accordingly. (Not $75 for a metal tool, if you can even find one.) It works for console nuts that are not rusted, glued or otherwise bonded to the threads. If the nuts are rusted, or they've had 1970's sugary, sticky soda spilled on them, you might have a tough time removing them anyway. One tool usually lasts for disassembly on 2 or 3 consoles before I need to replace it.
I would suggest getting two. Free shipping to any USA Address
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